Tag: status

382414 goldman sachs says ai could replace the equivalent of 300 million jobs will your job be one of them heres how to prepare

Goldman Sachs Says AI Could Replace The...

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Last year, many of us spent time thinking over the problem of AI bi...
382429 5 problems facing livestock farming in nigeria

5 Problems Facing Livestock Farming In Nigeria

Livestock farming in Nigeria is a vital industry that provides food, jobs, and income for many Nigerians. However, it’s facing s...

Get your gigs online with Tistalents

Table of Contents Introduction How Tistalents Can Help You Get Your Gigs Online The Benefits of Using Tistalents to Promote Your G...
379465 prawits brothers senator called in maid abuse probe

Prawit’s brothers, senator called in maid...

Accused Kornsasi suspended: police Senator Thani Onlaied and two brothers of the caretaker prime minister, Adm Sitthawat Wongsuwon...
379469 sparkies union would campaign for visa workers in jobs summit deal

Sparkies union would campaign for visa workers...

He said one national employer had told him it needed 950 transmission workers in the next few years but there just 11 were in trai...
378099 jobs summit jim chalmers is open to actus industry wide pay claims

Jobs Summit: Jim Chalmers is open to...

On Sunday, Treasurer Jim Chalmers opened the door to multi-business pay and strike arrangements in select industries, saying the s...
375580 restoring role at kwame nkrumah memorial park govt earmarks 3m for rehabilitation to pick out on tourism develop jobs

Restoring role at Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park...

The rehabilitation of the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park in Accra has begun in earnest, and is expected to be completed in nine month...